All Engine Dynamometer!
For small 2-wheeled electric vehicles, we have developed the “Electric Vehicle Dynamometer”. For moped and bicycle class vehicles the HCD chassis dynamometer with current clamp and battery probe allows simultaneous recording of mechanical and electrical power, allowing calculation of vehicle efficiency while operating on any drive cycle, or steady state conditions. With our standard throttle control, you can also run automated test cycles to determine vehicle range, and even battery lifetime. Larger capacity 2-wheelers can use the MCD-50 chassis dynamometer, and 4-wheeled vehicles can similarly use the ACD-100.
Contact our engineering team today to discuss your project and let's get started.
This Battery Life Cycle Tester allows testing of Electric Vehicle Batteries of up to 300A and 300V. Tests can be constant current, or drive-cycle current profiles. Batteries are discharged to the large air-cooled resistor bank until the BMS shuts down, or the battery reaches its designated stop voltage. Battery capacity is calculated continuously. The battery pack is then recharged with the product’s native battery charger, incusing proper charging every time. Charging is cycled by stand-alone controller, which continues even after line power interruptions. Data can be logged for analysis, and displayed, or the system can be operated “stand alone” with out a computer present. Accelerated battery testing can also be done, allowing faster testing with the appropriate acceleration factors. The system allows pre-set life pass/fail limits, and Charge Capacity measurement. The single load unit can operate up to 3 separate battery packs simultaneously (one loading while other two are in charging modes).
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