Workshop on Low Carbon Technologies for MSMEs in the ASEAN
Focus was once again invited to share our experience in Technologies for Industrial Efficiency and Competitiveness for ASEAN Small-Medium Enterprises. The "Workshop on Low Carbon Technologies for MSMEs in the ASEAN" was held in Manila and sponsored by the Philippians Department of Science and Technology "Innovation Council" with many members from all over ASEAN were present, and there were many lively discussions and sharing of experience from the different member states. Focus shared information on the importance of building efficiency, electric motor efficiency testing, as well as a number of other, often overlooked, technologies for reducing carbon footprint applicable to small companies including use of on-line technologies. Along with many other participants Focus stressed the need for using actual data in evaluating the efficacy of any efficiency measures. Additionally, many of the presenters and member states made a plea for an ASEAN wide database of projects, showing the situation before, during and after implementation so that others can learn the techniques and gains achievable. Finally, we also stressed the need for transparency in financing and data. When everyone has access to the same data and financial information, we should all be able to come to a similar conclusion about what technologies to invest in with a reasonable expectation of cost, and return on investment.
More information on the work shop is available from "Click here"
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